Sunday, November 20, 2011

Marc Staal To See Concussion Specialist

According to Larry Brooks:

A news blackout has been imposed regarding Marc?s condition, but The Post has learned the 24-year-old defenseman will be examined next week in Boston by concussion specialist Dr. Robert Cantu.

The examination, sources have told The Post, will follow a one-month ?shutdown? period ordered by Cantu when Staal visited him during the week of Oct. 16 while the Rangers were in western Canada.
Hopefully this is the final clearance before Staal gets back on the ice. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. At this point it's completely up in the air when Staal will be back. He's been out since training camp scrimmages began.
Thankfully the Rangers have been playing well recently and the defense has been fairly solid for the past few weeks. This has been a great opportunity for the other Rangers young defensemen to step up, get more minutes and play in different situations they'd likely not get to play in if Staal were in the lineup. Staal's vacancy leaves about 30 minutes a game on average more ice time available for the other six defensemen. 
It's never a good thing when you are missing one of your top defensemen. For the past few seasons Staal has been the clear cut #1 defenseman, but the good news is now Dan Girardi is battling Staal for that title. As long as the Rangers continue to win there won't be much talk about Staal however fans may start to get antsy if the team goes on any type of losing streak. We must hang in there, this is one season and Staal still has a long career ahead of him. Before he steps back on the ice, he must be absolutely positive that he's 100% healthy.
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