As we mentioned in introducing our NHL Holiday Ornament contest: Extra credit can be earned by actually turning concepts into physical ornaments for your holiday displays.
As you can see, reader Katie Stine took that challenge to heart:
For the Holiday Ornament Contest, I'd like to submit the Shanaban Gift Set for your consideration.
This set of ornaments is made with the future disciplinary czar in mind. It includes Baby's First Banhammer, made from some of the broken remains of an old wooden Bauer junior pro stick. As the little sultan of suspensions grows older, he'll appreciate being able to show his authority with his very own Sheriff Shanny badge.
And (say it with me) as the video shows, they're legitimate working ornaments.
Oh, that's just tremendous. Katie said she's "been known to wear the Sheriff Shanny badge to Fort Wayne Komets games as the self-proclaimed Deputy of Fan Etiquette." Not for nothing, but she may want to start policing the ice to guard against future slap fighting.
Once more, with feeling: We're looking for ornament that are Photoshop/digital art creations as well as craft projects. Enter as often as you'd like (PG-13 Content Warning, as always). The deadline for submissions is a week from today: Thursday, Dec. 22 at 6 p.m. EST/3 p.m. PST. Email your entries to puckdaddyblog@yahoo.com, or hit us with any questions.
Coming up, our first gallery of entries, and they bring it.
And here ? we ? go.

Reader Jon Cable takes aim and fires with this Artem Anisimov ornament. Sean Avery walks by, smirks.

Kevin T. from Nashville honors Roberto Luongo's immortal "tire pump" comments with this ornament. Weird to see Luongo like this; usually when you see him hung out with no support, and the Vancouver Canucks are in Boston ?

From reader Lisa, it's the Alex Semin Claus ornament, which like Sasha disappears post-season.

Dirty Dangle honors the New England Senior Hockey League "poop glove" story in a rather ingenious way: "Daren Puppa In A Glove."

Look, we know you come here for the snark and the poop jokes and the whole thing. But this simple, effective, we'd-buy-it-in-a-second ornament via Glenn Chilson of Norton Shores (MI) is a very nice palette cleanser.
Before, you know, we get back to this:

From Jon B.:
"Holiday greetings to you fellows, and thanks for another enjoyable Christmas season contest. Here is my initial entry. Its simple but I'm pretty sure making ornaments out of your teeth is something any one would do if given the opportunity. I would have done one with Sami Salo's testicle but that might be pushing the PG-13 limit..."
HEY, we'll be the judge of that ? yes it would have.

From reader Kenny M., the poor bastard's all concussed and whatnot yet Sidney Crosby still gets the diving needling.

From Cale Putnam: "Presenting the one and only Perler bead Zelda tribute to our favorite overrated puck moving D." Carolina and Montreal versions sold separately.
Finally, this might not even qualify under the rules, but a Puck Daddy Reader Art Contest without the great Walter Shobchak isn't worth having.

He writes: "Not big on arts and crafts time, so a picture it is. I found this great pic of Bryzgalov decorating his Christmas tree with endangered tigers and a humongous big galaxy tree topper. Happy Holidays to you and the family."
Happy Shabbos to yours, big fella.
Hull, BrettBrett Hull Hutton, BouseBouse Hutton Hyland, HarryHarry Hyland Irvin, DickDick Irvin Jackson, BusherBusher Jackson
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